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Pentane (C5H12)

Pentane (C5H12)

Pentane (C5H12) is relatively inexpensive. This gas is one of the most volatile liquid alkane at ambient temperature. Thus it is oftentimes used in laberatories as a solvent that can evaporate quickly and easily. It is a blowing agent as well used to produce polystyrene foam and other foams. Pentane can also be added to some refrigerant systems (-80℃ lockers e.g.) as a refrigerant fluid additive.


Pentane effects on health

Under its liquid state, pentane (C5H12) is a colorless liquid, with low viscosity and a specific smell. Its effects on health depends on inhaled concentrations. The first effect is euphoria, then headache at higher concentrations, tinnitus and nausea. At very high concentration levels, incoordination, confusion signs or even convulsive coma may occur.


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