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Ozone (O3)

Ozone (O3)

Naturally present in the atmosphere, trioxygen (O3) – most commonly known as ozone – is naturally released by nitrogen oxides (NOx). Ozone is also industrially produced through electrical shocks in tubular generators. It is used for wastewater treatment (water ionization) but also for printing works (laser radiation) and arc welding with inert gases.


Ozone effects on health

Ozone (O3) taint varies from colorless to blue with a bleach-like pungent smell, detectable from 0.01 ppm. Non-flammable, ozone is a strong oxidizer and can ignite explosions. Although its toxicity depends on several factors (temperature, pressure, concentration), ozone is very harmful for the breathing system (lungs, nose, throat) and can irritate the eyes.


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