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Benzene (C6H6)

Benzene (C6H6)

Benzene (C6H6) is a volatile organic compound from monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. It composes fuels at 1%, particularly unleaded gasoline. It is also applied in other sectors like perfumeries as a solvent or in chemical industries as a synthesis intermediate for a large range of chemical products (rubber, solvent, food additives).


Benzene effects on health

The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified benzene as a category 1 carcinogenic agent (R45/49). This substance may also cause heritable genic damage (R46). When ingested or inhaled, this organic compound is harmful to the breathing tracts – particularly dangerous for lungs (R65) but also for the eyes (R36) as well. In case of prolonged exposure, ingestion, inhalation or contact with the skin, benzene can lead to severe consequences on health (R48/23/24/25).


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